
Art Director at LePub
Based in SP

Selected work


All rights reserved


Role: Art Direct & Concept
In 1991, Senna won at Interlagos and lifted hi trophy with just one hand. We transformed this moment into a toast to honor somethin else he lifted that day: all of us, together.

A toast so big it had room for all Brazilians and even Senna’s greatest rival.

Blooming Collection

Role: Art Direct & Concept

Pacaembu Stadium is changing, but Its stories are eternal. Stories lived by those who sat in the Original Pacaembu Chairs, an exclusivity at Tok&Stok. And to tell them, we invited some of its protagonists, from a fan with the first ticket to the stadium opening, to one of the greatest players in Brazilian football. So "Sit, that here's there is history".

Tok&Stok Pacaembu

Role: Art Direct & Concept

The original numbered chairs of the Estádio do Pacaembu became design items by Tok&Stok. 11 legendary football players were invited to remember their greatest stories in the stadium, which became illustrated posters and an exclusive animation, made to publicize the auction of the chairs autographed by them.


Role: Art Direct & Concept

Vegas Generation

Role: Art Direct & Concept

Children and teenagers are becoming more involved in the gaming world. it's important to be aware of the mechanisms that can shape their habits. vegas generation is a platform designed to help parents navigate and manage their children's interactions with electronic games. the content was produced in collaboration with specialists in child and adolescent behavior.